This Years Top Backyard Landscape Design Trends

Published: 01/26/19

Backyard landscape design is a common hobby that is often used to relieve stress. But, it can also add significant value to your home.

With 2019 comes new landscape design trends, meaning you'll be able to take advantage of them to increase your home's aesthetic (and maybe even put some extra cash in your pocket down the road).

Not sure where to start? Don't worry, we've got you covered.

Trendy Backyard Landscape Design

Let's take a look at everything you need to know about the backyard landscape design trends of 2019.


Minimalism is a common trend among many art forms. But, there's a fine line between minimalist design and something that's just plain lazy.

When it comes to landscaping, however, there's no room for anything less than hard work if you want your backyard to have a unique, quality appearance.

Minimalist gardens work best when the architecture of your home isn't too complicated. But, it doesn't always have to be a direct reflection of your house's design. In fact, there's something beautiful in itself about having a garden area that stands out from the rest of the home.

The best part about this type of landscaping is that it requires very few materials to pull off a great look. A few pieces of furniture, neatly-edged hedges, and plenty of empty space provide both comfort and utility.

And, since this type of garden is so easy to implement, you don't need a ton of space to do so. This makes smaller, urban backyards the perfect spot to incorporate this trend.


There's something about a garden nook that gives off a serenity that not many other garden types can match. Things like tall hedges, fences, and even clever use of existing foliage can give your secluded garden the privacy that it needs.

If you have space, consider laying out a secret walkway into the corner of your yard that leads to a space full of your favorite plants. But, you can take things in an entirely different direction, too.

Rather than have a conventional garden in this area, you could create the garden equivalent to the proverbial "man cave." Thus, you'll have a quiet, private location where you can go to spend time by yourself or host small gatherings.

A tucked-away grouping of chairs, tables, and even a bar surrounded by lush plants can be the perfect way to relax outdoors in 2019. As long as the weather permits, it's something that you can take advantage of every day if you choose to.

Outdoor Interiors

It's possible to turn a garden area into the equivalent of an indoor patio (minus the roof). Not only is it possible, but it's recommended if you're looking for a fresh way to spice up your backyard while also maintaining utility.

Stone walls, bamboo clusters, and slatted fence panels are solid methods to enclose and create an interior-like space in your garden. From here, you can add any number of objects or accents.

Feel free to keep things simple with a few chairs and benches, or go all-out and put a grill and television back here. Other options include bookcases (with books, of course), torches, couches, etc.

Just make sure to keep sensitive materials covered up if you choose to forego installing a roof-like structure overhead.

Water Features

A garden should be a place of tranquility. Not many people spend time in these areas in search of commotion.

To help you rejuvenate, water features are the perfect addition to this space. And, the possibilities here are nigh endless.

You don't have to get a full-blown multi-tiered fountain to add a water feature to your garden. It could be something as simple as a small, wall-mounted waterfall system that recycles the water it uses.

Or, you could opt for a glass-enclosed water feature in the center of your garden. Traditional fountains, of course, are always an option.

Water features allow for plenty of creativity when it comes to installation. As long as they make your garden a more enjoyable place to be, then you're doing it right.

Adding Ambiance

Last, and certainly not least, we can expect to see a sharp increase in the number of home landscapers adding ambiance to their garden areas.

As previously mentioned, a garden should be a place you go to escape. The more it stands out from the other areas of your backyard/property, the more it will feel like a detached, otherworldly environment.

To help capture this sentiment, you have plenty of options to choose from. Some of these include:

  • String lights (cool colors work best, but any color will be fine)
  • A fire pit
  • Uplighting, particularly on tall hedges/walls
  • LED walkway lamps

Of course, you aren't limited to only these options. Anything that makes you feel calm and tranquil should fit nicely into your garden. Combining options from the above list with water features can create an ideal location for relaxation.

If you're willing to devote the time to set it up, having speakers in this area is a great method to help create the ambiance you're looking for. You can conceal them with the surrounding foliage and play calming atmospheric music.

Backyard Landscape Design Can Seem Confusing

But it doesn't have to be.

With the above information on backyard landscape design in mind, you'll be well on your way to making your backyard look stellar.

Want to learn more about other options you have for home landscaping? Make sure to check out the rest of our blog!

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