11 Tips For Boosting Curb Appeal With Landscaping

Published: 06/27/18

A well-maintained property can up your property value by nearly 13 percent. For a house that would normally sell for $300,000, this percent can add over $38,000 in value.

Residential landscaping can get you this extra value, which is why you should never ignore your curb appeal. Keep reading to learn how you can use landscaping to boost your homes curb appeal.

11 Landscaping Tips To Not Dismiss

Pick Easy, Low Maintenance Plants for Boosting Curb Appeal

If gardening isn't your thing, you can make your job a lot easier by picking plants that don't take a lot of work. These are plants that don't take a lot of weeding or watering, but they'll still make your yard look great.

Plants like perennials and shrubs grow back every year on their own, so you won't have to keep replacing them.

Here are a few good choices for your landscaping:

  • Roses
  • Violets
  • Lavender
  • Thyme
  • Daylilies
  • Rosemary
  • Yarrow
  • Chamomile

These plants will boost your curb appeal without you having to do too much with them.

Put Similar Plants Near Each Other

Planting a garden is only the first step to boosting curb appeal. Once the flowers are in the ground, you have to maintain them so they stay healthy and beautiful.

Again, if you aren't much of a gardener, this can be a real hassle.

To save yourself some time, plant similar flowers next to each other.

To clarify, this doesn't mean you should plant all the red flowers in one clump and all the yellow flowers in another. Rather, plant flowers that have similar needs next to each other.

This will make chores like watering and weeding much easier.

Give Your Plants Some Mulch

Mulch is handy for a few reasons.

First of all, when you spread a layer of mulch around your plants (on top of the normal dirt), it keeps weeds from growing in your garden. It also keeps the soil moist and gives your plant's needed nutrients.

But it also makes your flowers look brighter and healthier. This will make your entire yard look fuller and more lively.

Buying enough mulch may sound expensive, but most stores sell mulch in bulk. And a bit of mulch will go a long way for your curb appeal.

Create Yard Privacy

When it's time for the kids to play outside or for your annual family BBQ, you may not want all your neighbors watching you. Planting tall plants along your property line will give your yard some privacy and boost your curb appeal.

But make sure you choose plants that stay green all year around.

Things like hedges, trees, or evergreens create a natural "fence" around your yard. And it looks nicer than a conventional fence.

Don't Mow Your Grass Too Short

A full, green lawn is much better for boosting curb appeal than a semi-green, slightly dead lawn. Believe it or not, the way you're mowing your lawn can affect its overall health.

Trimming your grass too short, the roots may start to die.

You should always set your mower height to about 3 inches. Though this keeps your lawn short and maintained, it also leaves plenty of grass behind. This will encourage the grass to grow thicker and become healthier.

It can also get rid of pesky problems like crabgrass.

Create a Border Between the Lawn and the Plants

This will keep your garden separate from the lawn, making your yard look clean and maintained. It will also keep weeds from overlapping into your garden.

But the border doesn't have to be anything complicated.

It can be as simple as laying stones or bricks around your garden to section the space off from the rest of the yard. If you don't want to spend money on bricks, you can also use a spade to create edging around the garden as well.

To do this, follow the edge of the flower bed or garden, but leave about six inches of empty space between the flowers and the lawn. This will increase the aesthetic appeal of your yard and aid in boosting curb appeal.

Add a Rock Garden

A rock garden will give your yard more dimension. And once you create your rock garden, you don't have to do anything else to it. The rocks are a year-round landscaping option.

You can also use them to accent your colorful flowers.

If your soil doesn't look nice, covering it with rocks will keep anyone from noticing. And if your soil is so bad it can't sustain plants, rocks can solve your problem.

A rock garden makes your landscaping look good without needing any flowers.

Create a Planterbox Garden

This is another good option if you are unable to plant a garden in your actual soil. It can also be a good choice if you're dealing with a small yard that doesn't have much garden space.

All you have to do is buy some containers and fill them with your favorite plants. You can then arrange them on your porch, your yard, or around your walkway.

An asymmetrical design tends to create a dynamic feel.

Display Some Outdoor Art

These art pieces should be things that compliment your home's style, color scheme, and other outdoor elements. Think of things like birdbaths, sculptures, metal cutouts, windchimes, fountains, etc.

Just make sure whatever you choose is water resistant. Otherwise, they'll start to look old and damaged as they live through more weather.

But including water in your outdoor art is a good choice.

The gurgling sound from a fountain is soothing, and it'll make hot days feel cooler.

Install Outdoor Lighting

Outdoor lighting doesn't just improve your curb appeal, it also provides greater safety and security. You can put these lights on the trees, in the garden, along the walkway, or attached to the house itself.

If you don't have the option for wired lights, you can also use solar-powered lights. Just remember, these lights are not as bright as normal lights, so you may need more of them.

Fix Up Your Driveway

A cracked driveway with weeds growing through it won't get your house any positive attention. You should always repair (or if your driveway is bad enough replace) your driveway so it stays in good condition.

Need more space to park your cars?

Add bricks or pavers to the sides of the driveway to give yourself more space.

Boosting Curb Appeal

Don't underestimate the benefits of boosting curb appeal. If a potential buyer sees a messy yard with dead plants on the outside, they most likely won't even bother going inside. Using your landscaping to boost curb appeal is your first step to getting buyers through the front door.

Ready to make some landscaping changes to your yard? Give us a call and let us know how we can help you.

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