8 Tips To Beautify Your Businesses Property

Published: 03/29/19

When deciding where to shop, 95 percent of people prefer businesses with curb appeal. Welcoming and well-kept landscaping makes customers feel intrigued and comfortable.

If a business takes care of the outside, imagine how good the inside is!

You’re missing out on potential customers and clients by neglecting your property. If your business values walk-ins, boosting your curb appeal is your number one task. And, it’s not as difficult as it seems.

Tackling Your Commercial Landscaping

Here are 8 simple commercial landscaping tips you need to know. Keep reading to learn how to boost curb appeal and attract customers.

Focus on the Entrance

No matter how beautiful the landscaping is, if customers can’t find the entrance, they won’t come in. There must be a clear flow of traffic and obvious paths to follow.

If the entrance is on the side of the building, how will people find it? Create walkways from the parking lot directly to the door. Use shrubs to line the pathways.

You may need to put a sign as well that states the direction to go for the door. At the entrance, make it look fantastic. Ensure the doors are clean and freshly painted.

Adorn the entrance with symmetrical planters on either side. Consider using hay bales to decorate in the fall and winter.

Flower Gardens

If you have space, flower gardens are amazing for boosting curb appeal. They add an element of youthfulness, freshness, and happiness to the exterior. And, they show customers that you care about the property.

Consider using your flower garden to display your logo. Use flowers in your brand colors to spell out your business name. Or, if you have a popular hashtag, spell it out in flowers.

Many commercial gardens in California use flowers that are drought-friendly. African daisies, cosmos, coral vine, and daylilies are a few examples.

Ensure the flower beds have proper walls or boundaries to separate them from the grass. You may want to opt for raised flower beds if you don’t have spare lawn space.

Shrubs, Bushes, and Trees

Greenery may not get noticed right away, but it adds to the positive vibe of your building. Plus, large greenery like trees creates shade.

Your building should have a line of shrubs or small trees lining its perimeter. Not only does this look good, but shade will reduce your cooling bill each month.

Consider planting topiary plants. These are perennial shrubs and trees that can get trimmed into shapes. They add character and interest to your landscaping.

Outdoor Seating Area

If you have space, add an outdoor seating area. This is a space for customers to socialize and take a break from shopping or consulting. It’s also an area for workers to have meetings or take breaks.

Getting fresh air is good for everyone, so provide an appealing space on your property. Some prefer benches along the walkway to the entrance. Others build a gazebo on the lawn.

Buy streamlined furniture that suits your branding inside. Make it comfortable and in a shaded spot. The longer customers stay, the more likely they are to buy something.

Compliment the Architecture

Some businesses are lucky to have a building with interesting architecture. It could be a historical building with stone walls and gargoyle statues. Or, it could be a super modern building mostly made of glass.

Choose a landscape design that suits and compliments the architecture.

A historic house-style building looks enchanting with ivy growing up the walls. Full, lush trees could adorn the lawn as well as whimsical benches.

Geometric topiaries could look cool on a modern commercial property. Consider a rock garden, succulents, and vertical gardens.

Attractive Outdoor Lighting

Even if you’re not open at night, your property needs lighting. Cars that drive by your building at night should notice you. Lights allow people to see your logo, company name, or advertisements.

Use solar path lights along walkways. They’ll store solar energy during the day and stay lit all night.

It’s also a matter of safety for your parking lot to get lit. Customers and employees that leave at closing should feel safe walking to their cars.

Lawn Activities

If you really want to attract people to your business, add some fun lawn activities. These are ways for customers to engage and enjoy your property. The more comfortable they feel, the longer they’ll stay.

Activities are also great for customers with children. Consider adding a small playground, swings, or an outdoor ping pong table. Lawn games, like beanbag toss, are also a hit.

Consider installing a fountain with built-in seating around it. This is something for customers to sit by and enjoy. You could even put in a fire pit, especially if your business relates to outdoor entertaining!

If your building is in a family and pet-friendly area, install a fence around the property. This will make parents feel safer bringing their kids or pets while they shop. Accommodate your clientele so they feel comfortable and want to come back.

Stay on Top of Maintenance

Properties with effective curb appeal need maintenance. It’s important to keep the grass green and flowers watered.

Consider hiring a landscape maintenance service to take care of your property. They can remove pests and weeds, seed and mow, and clear off debris. Irrigation is another important part of taking care of a property.

Maintenance can be tedious and draining, especially when you already run a business. Enjoy the perks of having a gorgeous landscape without having to do the work. A commercial landscaping company can take a load off your plate.

Ready To Take Your Commercial Landscaping To The Next Level?

Your commercial property’s appearance influences whether customers come inside or not. The outside matters just as much as the inside.

If you aren’t following the 8 commercial landscaping tips above, get started!

Bay Area Landscapes can help take your property from “meh” to magnificent. We provide expert property maintenance and design services. Contact us today for a free consultation.

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