Fire-Resistant Landscape Tips

Fire-Resistant Landscape Tips

For nearly ten years, wildfires have ravaged various parts of the state, prompting landscape experts to promote the concept of firescape design or fire-resistant gardens. Firescapes emphasize fire-resistant landscaping elements that can halt a fire before it becomes uncontrollable. The recurring fires over the years have shown that no one is truly safe from their […]

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Things To Consider For Pet Friendly Landscaping

Things To Consider For Pet Friendly Landscaping

Will you be sharing your new backyard landscape with your favorite furred creatures? Then you will need to look for a Bay Area landscape designer who has plenty of experience creating pet friendly landscapes. Here we go through several garden safety tips to keep your furry friends safe. 7 Garden Safety Tips For Pet Friendly […]

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Three Common Landscaping Mistakes

Three Common Landscaping Mistakes

Not planning ahead is probably the Number 1, most common landscaping mistake a homeowner can make. Why? Because it leads to many of the other common landscaping mistakes that take an ideal vision – and make it a reality loaded with problems. Top 3 Landscaping Mistakes Here are three of the most common, landscaping mistakes […]

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How Much Value Can Home Landscaping Add To Your Property?

How Much Value Can Home Landscaping Add To Your Property?

When was the last time your house had a job interview? If you think about it, your house is auditioning for the role of "Their Next Home" every time a potential buyer sees it. That means when they see your listing on the real estate site, drive by, or schedule a showing. So what does […]

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The Ultimate Guide to Dog Friendly Landscaping

The Ultimate Guide to Dog Friendly Landscaping

Over 60 million American households are home not just to humans, but also to their canine companions. If yours is among that number, it's likely that your furnishings are influenced, at least to a degree, by your dog. You might keep the dog's crate in your dining room, or maybe you've put off getting a new couch […]

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