Top Bee-Friendly Flowers for a Vibrant Garden

Top Bee-Friendly Flowers for a Vibrant Garden

Bee-friendly flowers, often overshadowed by more traditional garden choices, carve out their own niche with their critical role in supporting our planet's pollinators. This unique purpose sets them apart in the diverse world of gardening, offering a distinct experience that distinguishes bee-friendly flowers as a category in their own right. Key varieties of bee-friendly flowers […]

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Backyard Composting For The First-Timer

Backyard Composting For The First-Timer

Getting started is the biggest hurdle for any beginner interested in composting. Once you have a corner spot for the pile, or a side yard location to house a tumbler, you’re off and running. Backyard composting for the beginner starts with a little education around what goes in - and what stays out of composting […]

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What Does It Mean To Build A Sustainable Landscape?

What Does It Mean To Build A Sustainable Landscape?

A sustainable landscape requires forethought and careful planning to honor and respect the surrounding ecosystem. The design takes the local environment, climate, average temperatures and rainfall, wildlife, and terrain into account, utilizing natural materials as much as possible - and minimizing the resources necessary to make it all happen.  When we design a sustainable landscape in the Bay Area, we […]

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How To Prevent Soil Erosion In Your Landscape

How To Prevent Soil Erosion In Your Landscape

Soil erosion is a natural part of the earth’s geomorphic process, and it takes place via sun, wind, rain, and ice. On the planetary level, erosion occurring as part of nature, in natural landscapes, can be beneficial. Soil erosion in your sloped, Bay Area backyard, however, has a negative impact, and failure to include a […]

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Creating An Eco-Friendly Landscape Design

Creating An Eco-Friendly Landscape Design

Your eco-friendly landscape design is the gift that keeps on giving. From growing native plants that don’t need as much water, pruning, or maintenance to preventing the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides, your conscious efforts will pay off exponentially. Eco-Friendly Landscape Design Doesn't Have To Be Hard Here are some of the things to […]

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