Creating Beautiful Low Maintenance Landscaping

Published: 02/26/19
creating beautiful low maintenance landscaping

Did you know that a whopping 57% of people think less of someone with an unkempt lawn? That’s right—if your lawn is less than tidy, chances are your neighbors or loved ones are judging you for it.

But having that gorgeous yard can be such a hassle. Between mowing the lawn, weeding the garden, and trimming the hedges, you can easily eat up your entire Sunday afternoon with lawn care.

Luckily, there is a way to achieve low maintenance landscaping. By just following a few simple tips, you can have a lawn you’re truly proud of without all the work.

10 Low Maintenance Landscaping Tips

Do you want to know more? Keep reading to learn our top tips to get a low maintenance yard.

Go Small

Are you in the process of house hunting? If you know you don’t want to deal with a lot of yard work, consider finding a home with a small yard.

You can still plant a garden and make it look nice. However, there will be less grass to mow and you won’t need as many plants to fill up your yard, so you’ll have less to care for than with a bigger yard.

Install Hard Landscaping

Of course, most of us are already settled in our homes with no plans to move. If you already own a home with a sizable yard, installing hard landscaping is an easy way to keep a low-maintenance lawn.

Stone, asphalt, and concrete can be used to make patios, seating areas, and pathways in your yard. Not only will this give you a great space to entertain, but it will cut down on the amount of mowing you have to do every week.

Consider Turf

Do you live in a dry climate where grass scarcely grows? You’re probably sick of fiddling with special seeds and fertilizer just trying to get grass to grow then watering it regularly to keep it from dying.

Turf is a great alternative to give you green grass with no hassle. High-quality turf may cost you a pretty penny, but it looks like real grass and won’t need a lot of maintenance.

Plant Lavender

Do you want to add some color to your home's exterior? Most people opt to plant flowers in their yard to make it appear brighter and more welcoming.

While there are tons of options to choose from, consider planting lavender. Not only is this a beautiful flower, but its scent can also help you relax.

But the real benefit is that lavender is very low-maintenance. It only needs to be watered 1-2 times a week, and it naturally regrows every year. Plus, bugs hate the aroma, so it acts as a natural insect repellant.

Go Local

When it comes time to choose what plants and flowers you want, it’s important to go local. Plants that thrive in tropical environments will need a ton of care to survive in a drier climate and vice-versa.

However, local plants are already adept at surviving the environment around your home, so they won’t require any specialized care or products to stay alive.

Stick with the Same Plants

When you walk into your local gardening store, your eyes will likely be pulled in tons of different directions. It can be tempting to choose many different flowers but try to limit your choices.

You want to choose the same plants or plants that have the same maintenance routine. This way, you can care for all your plants the same way instead of having to water certain plants every day while making sure others only get watered once a week.

Install a Watering System

No matter what plants you choose, you’ll likely have to water them regularly. While installing a watering system may seem like a lot of work, it’ll save you time in the long run.

This doesn’t have to be overly complicated, either. You can get one professionally installed or go DIY to save extra money. Either way, all you’ll have to do is turn the water on and off and let your irrigation system do the rest.

Invest in a Rain Barrel

If you don’t want to install a watering system, a rain barrel will be the next best thing. You can collect rainwater which can then be used to water your plants.

Not only is this environmentally friendly, but it’ll prevent you from having to run back inside when your watering can is empty. You can even find one that’s natural and stylish to further enhance your landscaping.

Use Mulch

Unfortunately, watering your plants is only half the battle. You’ll also need to weed them to keep your yard looking beautiful and well-maintained.

An easy way to cut down on this problem is to use mulch in your flower beds. It actually prevents weeds from growing without hurting your flowers and plants. Plus, when used inside a nice barrier, mulch can boost your curb appeal.

Stay Simple

Who says you need tons of plants to make your yard look nice? Minimizing your plants can give you a simple but elegant looking yard that’s easy to care for.

You can opt for a large bush or tree instead of tons of flowers or go for a thin flower bed lining your porch for a low-maintenance and welcoming look. Keep your fence it’s natural color, so you don’t have to worry about touching up peeling or fading paint.

We Can Help With Low Maintenance Landscaping

Don’t leave your lawn looking plain or unkempt any longer! From planting lavender to utilizing mulch, there are tons of low maintenance landscaping tips that will allow you to have a beautiful yard with minimal work involved.

At Bay Area Landscapes, we understand how important a nice yard is. Contact us today, and let us create a gorgeous and easy lawn for you.

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