What Does Hardscape Mean?

Published: 10/28/20
Fire pit with seating area

A landscape design is composed of multiple things, all of which can be divided into two categories: softscape and hardscape.  

While the softscape features encompass everything planted with its roots in soil (your lawn, flowers, shrubs, trees, etc.), the hardscape elements are mostly man-made, manufactured, and/or installed - and require zero water, soil, or sunshine to survive. 

Examples of Hardscape Elements 

Some examples of the items that comprise a hardscape are: 

  • Concrete 
  • Asphalt 
  • Pavers 
  • Patios 
  • Retaining walls 
  • Walkways 
  • The gravel/rocks/materials forming walkways or paths 
  • Exterior lighting 
  • Fire features 
  • Water features 
  • Sculptures 
  • Art 
  • Irrigation 
  • Privacy screens 
  • Planter beds 
  • Etc. 

well-designed landscape balances all of the living, growing things with all of the hardscape features, to create a finished product that offers intentional spaces for sitting, walking, playing, gardening, or whatever the homeowner/business owner feels suits their outdoor spaces and functions best. 

Use Hardscapes To Enhance Your Landscape 

Rather than go through each example of hardscape elements listed above, let’s look at the broader and categorical ways you can use hardscaping to enhance your landscape design: Function, Safety, and Fun! 

What’s the function of your outdoor space(s)? 

If you have a small backyard or patio space, hardscaping needs might look very different from the elements used in a larger outdoor footprint. So, the overall function will drive what goes where, and which materials work best for their use and your architectural/design style. 

At this juncture, we’ll be looking at: 

Do you prefer a low- or higher-maintenance landscape? 

low-maintenance landscape has a higher-proportion of hardscape elements and fewer plants, trees, and shrubs. Patios, pavers, and walkways never have to be watered, mulched or fertilized.  

Is accessibility a focus? 

Is there someone with mobility issues in your family? Or, are you planning to age in place? This information will shape how we create walkways or pathways, as well as any stairs or multi-level areas, ensuring things are smooth enough, wide enough, with a small enough grade, and enough railing or handholds for walkers, wheelchairs, or shuffling feet to move safely through the space. 

What safety precautions support the space? 

Speaking of safety, hardscaping takes accessibility - including visibility- very seriously. We want to make sure the outdoor lighting covers all of the bases. Walkways and stairways should have ample lighting for good visibility no matter how dark, moonless, or overcast a Bay Area night maybe. 

Of course, lighting also is designed to showcase landscape features, support nighttime activities, and to create ambiance. Read Benefits of Outdoor Lighting… for a more comprehensive approach to create a multi-functional lighting design. 

Do you have pets or small children? 

If you have pets or small children, hardscaping can become a part of their functional needs as well. From divisions between play areas and off-limits areas to structural toys, game areas, or easy-to-clean surfaces, there is a wide range of hardscape options out there specific to the needs of kids and pets. 

Visit our posts, Things to Consider for a Pet-Friendly Landscape, and/or, 8 Kid-Friendly Landscape Ideas, to help guide the design process for you. 

What about privacy or sound concerns? 

Here in the Bay Area, we are often living in pretty tight quarters. Even if you have ample yard space, your neighbor in the two- or three-story building(s) next to you may have visual access to your yard space. Then there is the traffic or late-night business noise to contend with. 

If privacy or sound is a concern for you, let your landscaper know about it. From both hard- and soft privacy barriers and boundaries to bonafide sound walls, our hardscape design can help maintain a tranquil sanctuary - even in the midst of a city. 

Looking for more security/safety elements? 

We’ve touched on a few of these in the “functional hardscape” category. However, walls, fences, motion-sensitive lighting - all can be installed to make sure your outdoor space is safe and secure both day and night, and that you and your guests can navigate the landscape without the risk of tripping, falling, or injuring themselves. 

Ready for some hardscape fun? 

Once you’ve established a foundation of function, safety/security, and fun, it’s time to have some fun. This is where you get to uniquely influence what will be where, and why, to support your lifestyle, daily habits, and future dreams.  

We use hardscape elements to create all kinds of different fun, useful, and usable areas for our clients. These include things like: 

  • Outdoor kitchens. Sure, it can be rainy and cloudy here from time to time, but with the right backyard design, you can prep, cook, and enjoy meals outdoors almost 24/7.  
  • Fire pits. Fires are compelling, but our neck of the woods has had too many uncontrolled fires for comfort. We can design or install fire elements or fire pits that provide the magnetic magic and social or romantic centers you desire while ensuring your fires only burn as brightly as you want them to. 
  • Water features. From small fountains to grandiose water features, hardscaping is always involved. It could be as simple as a birdbath or as complex as a backyard pond with its own ecosystem. The choice is yours. 
  • Sports/game areas. Do you love to play outdoor sports and games? Trending hardscape features can be used to create bocce courts, spaces for volleyball or badminton, or the boundaries of a permanent croquet course. 
  • Meditation/Zen spaces. Japanese meditation or rock gardens are well known for their ability to create a more peaceful and harmonious state. While you don’t have to copy their motif, we do encourage you to reserve at least one area in your garden that is especially dedicated to tranquility, meditation, prayer, or mindfulness. Rocks, sculptures, your favorite plants, etc. can all work together to create a personalized sanctuary. 


The team at Bay Area Landscapes thrives on creating the perfect balance of softscape and landscaping elements to design customer-driven landscapes that improve their living and workspaces. Contact us to schedule a consultation or your first design appointment.

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